The new Orwellian Covid experience in the hotel industry: Hilton Group’s TRU hotel as essence of…I have recently travelled to Madison, Wisconsin on assignment for German media covering the Trump’s electoral recount in Dane County. Back…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
USA. Bericht aus Illinois: Dystopisches Ende des American Dream im Lake CountyTeil I. Lokale repräsentative Demokratie als Virtual Reality Show. Lake County ist ein Grundstück in der nördlichsten Ecke des…Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
USA, Illinois: Dystopian End of the American Dream in the Lake County.Part I. Local Representative Democracy as Virtual Reality Show.Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
BLM is a Virtue Signaling Fascist Movement inflicting a False Flag Event on the American Working…The history of the American socio-political movements have been riddled with wrecks of political aspirations that didn’t actually achieve…Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
The Illinois Governor Management of COVID-19 produces the unexpected victim: The Truth.Since the official start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Illinois, J.B. Pritzker a democrat billionaire governor who in 2018 spent 171 million…May 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Food Shopping in the times of Pandemic: (How Albertsons’ Jewel-Osco supermarkets are ripping off…In the increasingly militaristic narrative of the COVID-19 conflict, the new shock troops are the supermarket workers. Heroism of the many…May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
The US Govt vs the US Citizen: the Facade of the Social ContractIn the US political system each state is is given two representatives in the US Senate, making the 50 states populated by the two…Feb 25, 2020Feb 25, 2020
USA: Illinois is the Perfect Fake of the Regulatory State;Illinois,: The perfect fake of a…Since the elections of a new billionaire Democratic governor in 2018 , J.B. Pritzker that replaced another Republican billionaire Bruce…Feb 8, 2020Feb 8, 2020
How the Flixbus European Experience went sour and if you value your life, keep away from it!As the Dec 5th , 2019 21:30 pm departure of the Flixbus service N 613 from Oslo to Hamburg drew near, the text came in that the bus will…Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
How the US mainstream media manipulates the public: the Lifetime of the Ripple.The ripple is a media cycle that involves recycling the idea of coverage over and over to the point it takes the life on its own. The most…Sep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019