Derek Monroe
11 min readJul 11, 2020

BLM is a Virtue Signaling Fascist Movement inflicting a False Flag Event on the American Working Class

The history of the American socio-political movements have been riddled with wrecks of political aspirations that didn’t actually achieve the change sought but on contrary it made the reinforced status quo even stronger. Whether it was the astro turf Tea Party on the RIGHT or Occupy and #Metoo on the LEFT, the movements have experienced a dynamic growth generating the attention of the establishment just to have its energy domesticated and used to reinforce the system it supposed to destroy. In case of the Occupy it just withered away collapsing under its own weight while the deep state apparatus made sure that the provocateurs within its ranks did the rest to completely discredit it. This time isn’t different. The “WOKE” Revolution in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death produced by a brand new and organized Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is a classical example of hybrid warfare unleashed on the most decent and gullible elements of the American society. Ironically this movement characterizes itself as revolutionary opposition to the system of the white oppression personified by the police killing of black citizens is almost identical in its characteristics with the movement to overthrow the government of Ukraine, the EuroMaidan revolution.

Back in Nov 2013 the Ukrainian movement started with a small protest against police violence as result of police beating the protesting students. One month later it was taken over and transformed by the extreme elements of the nationalist and neo-fascist RIGHT. With the overt and covert US Govt help, the movement was then employed as tool of regime change to abolish the corrupt but a democratically elected Yanukovich Govt and replace it with the illegally elected cabinet that was more than friendly to US and EU corporate interests. So far both the BLM and EuroMaidan movements have had three things in common as they proclaimed themselves to be pure revolutionaries fighting for change:

1) contempt for established parameters of electoral politics

2) contempt for established “bourgeoisie” social standards it considered obsolete in its quest for power

3) funding from the corporate interests, foundations and political parties

First forward to 2020 and the resurgence of the BLM as major player to decide what the black community needs and wants regardless of the established institutions that it considers absolutely useless, corrupt and irrelevant. The new enemy has become the ephemeral avatar of the “systemic racism.” The BLM supposed radicalism of thought and action is exercised by its tactics of hybrid warfare and fueled by the meteoric rise in righteous indignation over George Floyd’s death in hands of the MPD. However what one cannot ignore is the new quality of the movement which rather conveniently appeared just 5 months before the pivotal US Nov 2020 elections and the narrowly sharp focus on the white vs black racism as panacea for addressing the problem of 400 years oppression of the black population in the US. Almost from the beginning the trajectory of the BLM was to transform itself into the Black Lives are Better while completely ignoring the most important element of its official message: the black on black violence. Regardless of the 2019 statistics that cites only 40 plus blacks were killed by police out of nearly 1100 deaths and the historically high deaths resulting from the black on black violence ( 8000 +), the BLM’s focus is deliberately racially charged. It remains an effective tool to extract concessions from what the BLM views as corrupt white society that allowed the police violence to continue unabated. However as the BLM has continued to receive a large corporate and foundation funding it appears that not unlike the EuroMaidan revolution in 2014, the aims are actually different from the officially stated. As much as the BLM proclaims its hatred of the democratic institutionalism, it wants the very same institutions to revamp themselves to serve the BLM’s own institutional set up. It’s major slogan of defunding the police is actually the same tactic used by the charter movement in the US to defund the public education. As result the defunding of the police would result in destruction of the biggest obstacle , the police unions and privatization of the police force. This has nothing to do with the official slogan of keeping the police accountable and a better servant of the society as the actual desired outcome is just the opposite.

The basic fact that in just the three weeks in Chicago , 45 people lost their lives in 188 shootings doesn’t matter as these shootings do not carry the violent racial distinction thus are useless to the agenda of the BLM. In the classical example of fascist cultural revolution, the BLM inspired “WOKE” movement is now focusing on creating a self-imposed apartheid movement for the blacks countering what it feels is the supremacy of “white privilege” driven off the cliff by the implied “white guilt”. Despite the BLM’s neo-Marxist rhetoric of social and economic justice its point of reference is race , not class, making it a classic RIGHT inspired fascist movement. The existing inequality is used as battering ram of racial divide of the working class and the underprivileged poor of all races putting it against one another , a classic divide and conquer strategy of domination. With the recently revealed tactics of silencing its critics it is an intellectually fascist movement dressed up in leftist rhetoric where the end justifies all means.

In the BLM’s race reductionist world the political history has a role of giving the “revolutionaries” an appearance of “moral victory” as more important than producing results that matter for the people living the everyday life such as good health insurance or a living wage. Instead the “bread and circuses” culminated by the thumping sound of fallen monuments produces the exact fake emotional satisfaction that the status quo needs to reinforce its legitimacy while costing it almost nothing in return. I also have to admit that this activity has an unintended tragicomic effects as well as monuments of one-time slave and the most important writer of the Spanish language, Miquel Cervantes and the Polish-American revolutionary hero Tadeusz Kosciuszko have also been victimized. The latter’s irony in this cultural revolution-like barbarity is such that when Kosciuszko left the US for Switzerland, he entrusted his salary of $18,000 from his service in the Continental Army to Jefferson to pay for the……………….. freedom of slaves. 200 years later his statue was vandalized just for being white.

The organized chaos of the BLM tactics has used the form of cultural revolution-like mechanisms to present its “revolutionary” logic as indisputable fact while looking for incoherent and at times crazy theoretical and intellectual justifications. Nothing shows it better than the corporate “resistance” media narrative that has turned its attention away from Trump to create the new reality of prescribed solutions in search of the problem. The first example of this new “revolutionary” reality is the New York Times best seller “White Fragility” by the corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo. While charging her corporate clients thousands of dollars per hour, DiAngelo has reduced all nuanced and complicated human relationships that migrate through racial lines for thousands of years to a simple race reductionist level of the “Nazi race theory.” Her prescription for the white-black relations is to acknowledge the white racist all within us and to be , I kid you not, “less white.” DiAngelo also reduces the “whiteness” to a form of a sadistic cult where the people belonging to the race are somewhat excited and pleasured by a vision of black suffering thus creating an image of a vampire-like subhumans or the culturally Hegelian “the Other.”

This ridiculous caricature image puts all people who are white in the same bag regardless of personal experience or class. From the rich WASP in New York to the Lithuanian immigrant construction worker fresh off the boat , we are all condemned by our original sin, the color of our skin and shackled to the eternity of damnation by the allegation of white privilege. Thus the BLM’s new banner of revolution , the revenge racism, is now the new norm to right the wrongs of the past.

Unfortunately this nonsense gets only better. In the June 2020 report by the National Public Radio (NPR) reporter Yuki Noguchi, the case for the separate medical care practice based on the patient’s race has been introduced as panacea for increasing the black representation in medical field.


CHIN-QUEE: The goal can’t just be getting more Black doctors into medicine. Getting them there is vital because having someone who cares for your health who understands and has lived through the struggles personally and culturally that you’ve experienced is super, super, super important.

This thinly veiled double speak of cultural sensitivity i.e. racism has been laid bare in my two point blank questions to Noguchi which she didn’t answer:

Question 1: In other words the race and shared cultural experiences are supposed to be qualifying benchmarks for medical practitioners which have absolutely nothing to do with their field of medical practice. It is as if an experienced (quoting your piece) a pediatric ear, nose and throat surgeon operating on a , let’s say Muslim patient is not good enough as he/she has to have a similar personal and cultural experience to perform a good job?

Question 2:

Also why there is no class analysis in your piece as benchmark for issues affecting all medical practitioners regardless of race or ethnic origin?

It is as if the black under-representation in the medical field has nothing to do with socio-economic conditions in this country and it is squarely blamed for the perceived “systemic racism.”

When I reached out to Noguchi about the narrative of her story she didn’t answer the questions but issued a statement instead : “ That’s entirely an incorrect reading of my story. Please read it more carefully and do not represent it as such. It is that Black doctors and therapists are underrepresented in medicine.”

Continuing with the “revolution” in the medical field , the hipster offshoot of the corporate media, the Vice News has had a piece by Shayla Love published on July 7th, 2020: with a tell it all title: “Is Racism a mental illness?”

The medicalization of the human condition is nothing new as it has been done in the past and it is a characteristic of any totalitarianism regardless of its coloring. Whether it is the euthanasia of the mentally ill dressed up as system of mercy in the Nazi Third Reich or the qualification of extremism as medical condition and practiced by the Chinese on its captive Uyghur population or by the Soviets who claimed that they discovered the virus causing political dissent in the 1970s, the result is always the same. The totalitarian systems always want to medicalize the issue of the “abnormal” which points to the great role model to our current predicament and its supporters in the pseudo-scientific media. After all if one can medicalize toxic masculinity as treatable disease one can definitely do the same to racism with the stamp of approval and for profit by the American Psychological Association (APA). And the ones from the BLM movement who still view themselves as righteous LEFT here is the wake up factoid for you: according to New York Times, the APA bolstered the C.I.A torture program so at the end of the ideological voyeurism and maneuvering this is the final stop to make it all come true!

No revolution worth its “calorie free and vegan” salt can pass up an opportunity for creation of the new man as its legacy. According to Joshua Efferighe’s “Mein Kampf”-like piece published corporate media outfit, the OZY , the corporate version of the education is laid bare for all to see. Instead of tackling the systemic poverty and violence that plaque our black communities for decades, the creation of new narrative based on pride and fascism reinforced by racially pure teaching corps takes the priority. In this way the white teachers who were the “ accidental slave masters” (including this author in the student teaching days at CPS) , will no longer keep the race down to achieve its absolute best.

This is type of nonsense that deceptively uses an increase of quota of black teachers and black doctors as pancea for the American systemic ills is just what the corporate BLM culture thinks it needs. It is a magic spell that individualizes the social by implying that all issues dealt with are a matter of individual responsibility transformed into a role of a teacher. The questions of power, class conflict , inequality and even racism is eliminated by virtue of black professional rise as some kind of mythical super professional class that will deliver the salvation to his/her classroom and medical office. It is a fascist mythology taken from the Nazi racial theory and it is a classic example of pedagogy of repression where economic and political forces playing a role in a poor state of black population’s plight are just rendered invisible. According to it the Wagnerian myth of the Ubermensch, it will set the students and patients free from the grasp of the “accidental slave masters” and everything will be fine afterwards. A true revolutionary vision of the better tomorrow that never comes!

And to force a discipline and silence its critics the charge of “systemic racism” is made as justification for no-quarter culture of cancellation and personal retribution that not only doesn’t respect a basic precept of free speech but a common sense.

Racism has existed with humanity for thousands of years and it isn’t a systemic problem of capitalism as it predates it. It’s a systemic problem universal to all organisms that have evolved systems of perception that categorize threat levels into known and unknown (explored, familiar territory vs. unexplored and unfamiliar).

Unfortunately for humans that have evolved the ability to abstract, the negative aspects of our pre-cortical motivational systems — such as love, fear, sex , care, greed , spiritually and even altruism underpin all our actions and all our thinking.

Judaism and Christianity has identified this concept as Original Sin. St Paul called it the Ancient Man and it has existed as long as the human kind. These woke (born again-like) fascists have rediscovered it as “implicit bias.” And like Calvinists, they believe we are all damned unless chosen. Hence the need to virtue signal to display a chosen status while upturning the societal norms to reflect their own perceived or perhaps even real guilt. The best revolutionary force is best utilized when fueled by guilt, repression, oppression and anger in its ideology and external financing (often contrary to its stated purpose) or as a pure tactical move (i.e. Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 funded by German Imperial Govt).

In the old and tried realpolitik of the 19th century its most distinguished politician , Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck’s words ring true even today: “when it comes to the revolution it is always better to undertake it than undergo it.”

With the upcoming Nov 2020 election this truism has never been forgotten as personified by the Citibank executive , Obama’s chief of staff and Mayor of Chicago, all in one Rahm Emmanuel who’s motto of :” never letting the good crisis go to waste” makes the BLM movement a perfect vehicle to tighten the screws on what’s left from our democracy even tighter than ever.

The BLM Chicago didn’t answer the request for interview

The BLM Foundation didn’t answer the request for interview

Shayla Love didn’t answer the request for interview

Joshua Efferighe didn’t answer the request for interview

Robin DiAngelo didn’t answer the request for interview

Derek Monroe
Derek Monroe

Written by Derek Monroe

Journalist ,Consultant, Writer on Geopolitics and Translator. Based in the US and Japan. US Correspondent, Radio Centraal, Belgium Contact:

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